1. As I said in my comment, I don't do the whole "both sides" thing, so I quite frankly, don't care how long it took to indict tRump, as opposed to the senator. Neither of them -- nor anybody else for that matter, who engaged in the alleged behaviors of which they've both been accused should have even been, or be, in a position of power.
2. The "race card" is a thing only because of those who created the deck in the first place. That he chose to pull from that deck for whatever reason is on them.
3. "If it bleeds, it leads" (translation," the more eyeballs they can grab the better") is definitely how the media operates. Though it may be puzzling, trust me, it is possible.
4. We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one!
Finally, since you were responding to my comment, I thought you were referring to me as a Medium.com pundit, so I needed to assure you that writing on Medium is not all that I've ever done when it comes to journalism.