Alright, Maurice, don't categorize. I'm a Baby Boomer from the Deep South myself and have experienced ALL of what Mekhi's experienced and then some (even voting for ole Jimmy!). However, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!
My people didn't fight and die for me to participate in a system that still, to this day, does not represent me or my interests. When the Demoncrats ran that long-legged Mac Daddy, Obama, I became an Independent after researching the myriad of things he and Valerie Jarrett pulled on Black folk in Chicago. I certainly wasn't supporting somebody who talked down to us every chance he got, all while faking MLK cadence in his speeches and bringing his ass to my hometown, singing "Amazing Grace " when Roof killed the Emanuel 9, to name just a few reasons.
I concentrate on local political issues which affect me first and most. I vote as an Independent in national elections when there's a candidate worth voting for and if there isn't one -- I don't vote. I don't care what anybody says. Didn't vote for Jim Crow Joe and never would have, given his damned history with the Omnibus Crime Bill that's locked up more of us than ever (and he had the nerve to say, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black." {SMMFH} Not to mention his crooked ass family dealings from his son, his brother and I'm sure him too (they just haven't caught his ass yet). The issues and what I perceive to be a person's character are what matter to me most.