Alright now!! Mrs. Wright's got some more firepower working on her behalf!:
As a Gullah woman from SC. Hilton Head & St. Helena Island are both historical footholds in the state in which we were enslaved:
St. Helena residents are in a similar battle with developers who want to build yet another golf course and gated community, by taking the heirs' property of Black folk. They seem to have the support of the governor though (guess it'd look even worse than it already does, if they won, given the big splash opening of the International African-American Museum in Charleston, supposedly "celebrating" South Carolina's Black history -- even though teachers are forbidden to, teach anything about racism in schools (Hell, they just fired a white teacher for assigning Ta-Nehisi Coates', "Between the World and Me!).
The hypocrisy of white folk in SC never ceases to amaze me! Everybody in their right mind there knows that, while that museum's brought more of our history to the forefront -- it wasn't because the white folk gave a shit about us, OR our history. It's merely a MASSIVE tourism draw, equalling "Mo' money, Mo' money, Mo' money for the white folk who've gentrified the city (as well as for those white-adjacent Black gatekeepers or whom money and status means everything) -- again, on the back of Black suffering. {SMDH}