Member-only story
Family, while the Supremes marinate on the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), I want to share how this young, Sister is s-o-o-o-o f*ckin’ on point about what this is really about. Please listen, enjoy and understand why Brackeen v. Haaland is white supremacy’s latest attempt at killing the “Indian,” and most importantly — why.
This past May, four days after I watched my beautiful sister-in-law dying, I took a break from the family mourning and went back to the hotel room, clicking through the channels looking for something to take my mind off what I was feeling. Luckily, I witnessed Deb Haaland on CSPAN, telling of another trauma long ignored, not only in this country, but wherever else white savages reigned (yeah I called y’alls ass the SAVAGES for a change!, cuz that’s what the hell you were and many of you STILL ARE). And painful as it was to hear, I felt so damned PROUD of this Warrior Woman — speaking truth to power and STANDING UP for her people (unlike you, Barry). Do listen Family, as she shows what a REAL leader looks like:
And yes, I am more than well aware of the fact that, Native Americans also enslaved Africans. All I have to say about that is, when you’re taught to punch down — you do.