And that remains the fear, even up until today. That these white parents prefer their children remain ignorant of colossally wrong acts against Black/Brown folk, or even of the many accomplishments of said folk in this county, history will certainly repeat itself -- and in even worse ways, given what weapons are now so easily available at society's disposal.
And considering each of the massacres you list, there's still a huge contingent of white folk who don't think Black folks deserve reparatory justice (i.e. reparations) despite all the economic damage merely those you mentioned/know about wrought. I look at those people and say, "Yeah, pretty easy for you to jump up an down about how you worked hard for what you got and Black/Brown folk should do the same when -- in actuality, you started out on 3rd base and are screeching about all your home-runs after nothing but penalties have been called on us." {SMDH}