Another GREAT one, Jackie!! I totally agree with you about her arrogance. And why not be arrogant? After all, 1) she was swapped in by the Demoncrats with nobody "of the people" voting for her ass; 2) the party faithful have been full-on trying to scare folk to death about tRump ever since this shit-show began with Genocide Joe's installation as the candidate (hence that Changeling Obama, Pelosi & Schumer shutting down the runs of Buttigieg, et al and 3) she really seems to think she's a shoo-in because of all that shit {SMDH}
Stein/Ware is my ticket because unlike the duopoly, they're talking TO the people and LISTENING to what they have to say, while actually PARTICIPATING in protests against Israel's genocide (Jill getting knocked around by a cop, no less!) -- while the duopoly remains mute. Israel attacks UNIFIL -- while th duopoly remains mute. I'm willing to take my chances with people willing to do something new.