Another great piece, Walter! It is exactly what I felt, having been born and raised in a southern, Black, Baptist family (and later becoming Catholic so I could fit in). After I grew up & left, and lived -- I realized, I no longer believed in any manifestation of "White Jesus." That was the hardest, most painful thing in my life to reconcile cuz it was all I knew.
But I didn't become hostile in subsequent conversations, I merely shared what my grown-assed woman had come to understand. But folk didn't wanna hear that shit (kinda like any negative beliefs about that long-legged, Mac Daddy, Barack Obama!). THEY became hostile whenever I brought it up (and still do!). But ask me if I care.
Truth, is what I am and what I seek cuz I know -- nothing flows from lies but pain, death & destruction. Not my wheelhouse -- I refuse to participate, I don't care how mad folk get.