Aren't they? Beautiful newness that continually squeezes my heart! I wonder, have you had conversations with your daughter-in-law about her father's lettuce picking, migrant worker status? That'd probably a really deep conversation! My daughter-in-law (who's part Native-American and part British), who grew up in Michigan (she was in the Air Force), never really talks about the differences or what her Dad went through in the Air Force, but they've visited a couple times and me and her father have had some great conversations! Her mom's a little subdued, but we've talked about their early marriage days as well.
Funny story -- the oldest son's family went to visit them in Michigan a few years ago and decided to meet with my husband's family from MN in the Wisconsin Dells:
He told her Dad they were gonna get with the MN cousins and when he saw them he said, "Jon, I'm no racist but, these are your cousins??" He'd not met US yet, but they had a great time. It just shows when you love your own and really get to know other people well, there's no reason for all this BS going on. Her parents were just here a few months ago and we had a blast -- even her subdued Mom!
Because, IMHO, politics is first local, I'm hoping we get rid of Ted Cruz. Beto looked good, but couldn't get over the hump. Doing my research on Colin Allred now though, I think he might just be able to get over that hump. Shit's gotta change here in TX, Sam -- and we're the only ones who can make it so.