Aza, Darlin' -- I totally agree with David here:
"Sounds like you really love her. Have you asked her directly what was it in thepoem that she considered anti-Semitic or made her uncomfortable? It's on her to explain herself but you have to ask."
I've experienced the above and it was only until I voiced my "why," did I learn some things. Some of the relationships remain the same, but some have been repaired. Recently, one of those people lost their child, whom I've known since he was born. And despite the hurt I felt before, I HAD to reach out because I'd loved her since I was 15 yeas old (long story). She was so glad to hear from me and that I remembered all those years ago when she was pregnant with him. It was a beautifully, painful reunion -- but a reunion, nevertheless. I say all this to say --- at least ask. Once you get your answer, you'll be able to move on, or continue to grow -- together, or apart..