Beautiful! That's basically how my America-identified, white husband and I were married in California (He hates being called white, he always says, "Dammit, I'm Italian-American!" -- to which I reply, "But y'all became "white" upon assimilating here in America)!! We went down to the courthouse with my roommates and his friends (we were in language school with the Navy) as witnesses and it took all of 15 minutes and we were Mr. & Mrs. C.!!
He'd planned a hell of party at a nice hotel downtown for our reception -- but we missed it, driving an hour or so from Monterey and spending the night in a small hotel in Salinas, CA. It was wonderful, and when we got back, we heard the party was GREAT and everybody had a wonderful time!π Our 44th wedding anniversary is coming up in November, but this time we're having the party here at the house with our two sons, their families and friends!