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Biden Had the Nerve To Call Putin a “War Criminal” — Pt. 1
Now THAT’S some next-level pot calling the kettle black bullshit!
I’m right there with Maxine since, quiet as it's kept, Biden’s American pot is, and always has been, FULL of damned war criminals — including him!!
From the very beginning of Russia’s SpecOps, the U.S. and its Western allies, along with comedian-turned-President Zelensky — have been pissing on our legs and calling it rain. I’m as tired of them as I am of the presstitute media’s war-mongering lies.
Given he was Obama’s point-man in Ukraine during the 2014 Maidan, a regime change op that saw another war criminal, Victoria Nuland, lay out exactly how they planned to do the damned thing — he neither escapes blame nor responsibility, for what’s going on in Ukraine (and of course, while Hunter’s dealings with both Burisma and China bear closer scrutiny, that’ll never happen):
His former boss, who proclaimed Afghanistan the “more just war,” joins the crew in their sordid, war crimes bullshit. Tell me…