Member-only story
Biden’s hubris and the undeserved loyalty of Black folk — in Mother Emanuel no less!
Family, stop letting Democrats scare you — demand more, or GTFO of this Party!!
This Mofo went into a Black, damned church — brutalized by a white supremacist who believed ALL of the bullshit he’s been peddling his, WHOLE — damned time in the Senate (particularly during Killary’s support of the 2004 Omnibus bill claiming we were ”super-predators”) — and they clapped, yelling, ”Four more years!” {SMMFH} THIS is just ONE of the reasons I left Charleston in 2017.
He had a lot to say, but I refuse to post his bullshit. This matters more…
Protestors, escorted out by the Secret Service, demanded a cease-fire in Gaza. Homeboy said,”We’re workin’ on it.” Mutha F*cka, Please! How many more Brown people will you allow Israel to KILL, with weapons provided by U.S. taxpayers dollars — I’m SICK of all of you.
The hubris is especially in the fact that he defends genocide and my people don’t see it. I’m undone, Family. When are we gonna see how easily we are being manipulated? FU James Clyburn!! You’re an instrument of our oppression — and you’re okay with that, because it benefits you and yours financially. Sad, sad, sad…
- Biden Should Be ASHAMED For LYING to Black Voters At Mother Emanuel Church: Sabby Sabs (A must listen,Fam!)
- Zionist Joe
- How Corporate Media Whitewash Israeli Crimes: A Personal Narrative
- Ray MGovern: The Improsonment of the Palestinian People Was Not an Act of God