Bravo, Brett!! That is exactly their "I think I'm Billy Bad-ass" intent. When I think of your, "Be a protector," I can't help but think of those parents down in Uvalde, trying so hard to get into that school to protect their kids, who were stopped by those non-protectors who were afraid -- and it both makes me proud and heart-broken. As you said, "Fucking stop!"
My anger though, is aimed even more squarely at those with the power to truly "come and take it" through legislation, but are afraid they'll lose their base (good description for those whose instincts are to intimidate) -- all while others, not so inclined, lose their lives because, as you said, "these weapons are designed to kill and nothing else." Hell, if you shoot a deer with that shit, there'll be no venison or deer jerky for you because, its innards would be scattered to smithereens -- just like the victims of these ignorant asses and their lethal weapons.
Glad to know there are folk like you who are not afraid, Brett. I truly am. Thanks for this.