Brother, while I'm well aware of "white women's tears," I have to be honest with you -- I fooled around behind enemy lines and have been wonderfully, entangled for 43 years.
Unlike what Dr. Amos Wilson says in the quote, I've no self-hate. Trust, I love me more than body else.!! However, I'm loved by someone who's loved me unconditionally and has learned about and embraced my culture fully (this Mofo makes SC Red Rice better than me at this point!). He's always understood how our sons will always be seen as Black men and shows up for all of us always (which, at times, has put him in precarious positions). I've written about his family's reaction to him marrying me and how it split his family. But he stood firmly -- for us (They all finally came around when they saw I wasn't going anywhere!). I love that man madly, Brother. I can't tell you the number of times he's always stood up for me, when my Brothers have not. That will NEVER change...