But that would've been TOO MUCH LIKE RIGHT, Scott!! These ASS-WIPES in the West have no inclination towards doing what is right! They'd rather keep the sheeple ASLEEP with the never-ending, propagandistic lies of the presstitute media, feeding our tax dollars and all manner of weapons to the corrupt, demanding, joke of a beggar, Zelensky, putting his megalomaniacal ass on the cover of Time, while OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN lose life and limb for U.S. hegemony that it'll NEVER attain! Does anybody NOT remember that more "just war" the Changeling stood before them all atwitter about, that killed so many damned people on BOTH SIDES, handing Western troops their asses in embarrassing withdrawal???
Seen the latest, gigantic, DOD budget for the Military industrial Complex lately??? Yet plenty folk here at home can't pay their rent/mortgage, feed their families or even put gas in their tanks??!! They couldn't even see their way to provide railroad workers with SEVEN DAYS OF PAID SICK LEAVE! SEVEN DAYS?!! But none of that matters to those jack-booted thugs we call "leaders." The only LEADING they're capable of EVER doing is leading the entire world down the path of death and destruction. And the sheeple, bless their heart, are cheering this shit on??!! {SMMFH}
I tell you, the hurrier we go as human beings, the behinder we get. Thanks for this honest, well-written and probably-will-be-totally-ignored piece, Scott. I really appreciate your standing up, when so many folk would rather follow.