DAMMIT SIS!! I am SO UNDONE right now!! I can't even write a response that'd not take up all your space. So Imma wait and write a response later.
While you wait though, let my good friend, Jimmy have a say:
"No one was white before he/she came to America. It took generations, and a vast amount of coercion, before this became a white country. It is probable that it is the Jewish community or more accurately, perhaps, its remnants—that in America has paid the highest and most extraordinary price for becoming white. For the Jews came here from countries where they were not white, and they came here, in part, because they were not white; and incontestably in the eyes of the Black American (and not only in those eyes) American Jews have opted to become white, and this is how they operate. It was ironical to hear, for example, former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin declare some time ago that “the Jewish people bow only to God” while knowing that the state of Israel is sustained by a blank check from Washington." https://ourcommonground.com/2016/11/14/on-being-white-and-other-lies-james-baldwin-essence-magazine-1984/