Deb C.🇵🇸💚
3 min readDec 25, 2023


Damn, Bren! Like my friend, the late Black Lives Matter Charleston activist, Muhiyidin D’baha ( -- I KNOW Marvin Pendarvis personally -- or thought I did!

We all worked together after Walter Scott was murdered -- trying, unsuccessfully, to get a Citizens Review Board of the police force on the ballot, as well as when Dylan Roof unleashed on Mother Emmanuel. After reading your piece and perusing my old saved emails from that time (as I've said here before, I"m a hoarder!") -- I can't believe this is the same young man! {SMDH}

When he told me he was gonna run for City Council, all I could think about was our previous interactions and how he was definitely -- the one" to get the damned job done!:

On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 5:36 PM Deb C. <> wrote:

Hey Marvin, it’s Miss Deb from the Walter Scott days! I’m living in Texas now but I have a subscription to the Post & Courier, so I ty to keep up with what’s going on at home. I read about your case involving the 19 year-old young man and I just wanted to say it seems he has a good case and I support you in your efforts to exonerate him. Good luck, young man – I’ll keep watching as it develops! So, so proud of everything you’ve been doing since I met you! Miss Deb

From: Marvin Pendarvis <>Date: Sunday, July 26, 2015 10:57 PMTo: "Deb C." <>Subject: Re: Summey's response

Ms. Deborah, I hope all is well. I'm just checking on you; it's been awhile.Marvin R. Pendarvis, Esq. The Curry Law Firm, LLC6518-D Dorchester Rd. North Charleston, SC 29418(843) 767-5284(843) 767-5286 (fax)currylawfirm@bellsouth.netOn Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 7:14 PM, Deb C. <> wrote:

We've got work to do on Monday, Brother. I'll start putting some ideas together for a response to his response and bring them with me tomorrow. So grateful for your help with this! These young folk needed to hear what you had to say today -- just with your words of commitment, you inspired them way beyond measure, giving them a glimpse of what community and collective action CAN look like. I believe in you guys so much and I have no doubt that this generation can get great things accomplished! See you tomorrow…Deborah

P.S. Go back and read those three stages of opposition to a CRB in my first column. After you read his response, you'll see we're in Phase 1 now. Let the games begin!!!!

From: Marvin Pendarvis <>Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:50 AMTo: "Deb C." <>

Subject: Re: Can we talk more about the possibility of a Citizens Review Board (CRB)?

I agree. I was a bit confused as to the purpose of Tuesday's meeting. I think we need to get this piece about establishing a CRB by referendum/initiative out to the masses. It would be a great opportunity to take the community engagement piece with the town halls and use that to get people to sign the petitions. Even if it's you and I, we need to nail down how many signatures we will need to put this on the ballot in November. It is a must and we cannot afford to waste any more time. Marvin

It f*cks me the hayell up when my discernment is so impaired that I'm wishing for more than I'm seeing what's standing in front of me. {SMDH}



Deb C.🇵🇸💚
Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Written by Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Former Navy Russian linguist, Realtor, Claims Adjuster, OpEd columnist/Features writer at a small, S. Florida newspaper. Since 2007, blogged at “Let’s Be Clear”

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