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DeSantis’s “Roger B. Taney” moment enraged me — deeply
Old as I am, the blatant racism from this governor made me feel some kind of way, Fam
Like Taney’s, Dred Scott decision, DeSantis, one day after quoting MLK on MLK Day, cancels AP African American Studies Program, saying it ‘Lacks Educational Value.’ Sounds the same, No?? f*ckin’ tired of wannabe white folk (as James Baldwin pointed out, they did not exist until America needed them) — I really am. As I look back on my history which DeSantis says ‘lacks value’, I feel sorry, not only for his own, damned children — but all of THEIR CHILDREN, who they want to remain ignorant, while acting like they’re so smart and bright— yet racist. Not only is he a sad, poor excuse of a man and a father, he’s even worse as a governor, supposedly serving his constituents.
Imma call him “Roger B. Taney” DeSantis from here on out…