Don't get me started on Rahm -- I NEVER liked his ass!! He and the Changeling were pure Chicago crooks, no better than the Daley's (one of whom served in his cabinet, if I remember correctly).
Yes, there definitely needs to be more and tougher progressives. In this article I read today, Bernie seems to be getting a little more "attitude":
From the piece:
Asked what Biden's message to the Israeli leader should be, the prominent progressive and vocal Netanyahu critic replied to the "Pod Save America" podcast in an episode released Friday: "Mr. Netanyahu, I'm here to inform you that ... if thousands of trucks do not get in to start feeding starving people — all military aid will cease. Have a nice day."
"One day the president is angry at Netanyahu, the next day he's very angry. And the next day is very, very angry, you know. So what?" added Sanders, in a pointed bit of criticism just two days after appearing with Biden at a White House drug pricing event. "You cannot continue to talk about your worries about [the] humanitarian situation in Gaza, and then give Netanyahu $10 billion or more bombs. You cannot do that. That is hypocritical."
I thought that was pretty straightforward!