Excellent, excellent piece Johnny! I've NEVER cared what the Changeling had to say because I always knew he was just "skinfolk."
From his political shenanigans to first, become the "Senator from llinois," to his 2004 DNC speech, to all the bullshit propaganda the MSM kept shoveling about his and Valerie Jarrett's "community organizing" (read that shit as Mr. James Baldwin's, "Urban Renewal is Negro Removal") when he ran for president -- I knew he'd become white folks' absolutely perfect, "Deus ex machina" (a person or thing that appears or is introduced into a situation suddenly and unexpectedly and provides an artificial or contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty). Personally, I just wish he'd just shut the hell up and go away!
You've delineated PERFECTLY what "Defund the Police" means and why it should be done. Your military experience is a wonderful counter-balance to what the police actually are and have been (particularly to Black folk against whom they believe they're at war) in these alleged United States of America. I hope this piece is shared and read widely, Brother.