EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT PIECE THELMA!! which is ALL so damned true! Yet, we both know your question is rhetorical, no? These Mofos have no thought about humanity, they only know or care about profit. I have an iPhone9 -- good enough for my convenience, though still a feeder into their murderous greed. I read a story here on Medium a while back where the writer said, "Africa is a beggar, sitting on a goldmine." Truer words have never been spoken.
The continent has everything the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy needs and they know it. Hence all the turmoil, the Western-imposed, infighting, regime change, etc. they cause. Yes -- it IS purposeful!
Ask yourself how in the hayell this country can talk about turning to EVs, yet NOT have the means to produce them without letting those that do, destroy themselves with our help? Rare Earth minerals are NOT in large supply in the West, which is why we need to pay attention to why these greedy white folk are eyeing wars in countries that have them: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/forget-lithium-its-rare-earth-minerals-that-are-in-short-supply-for-evs/
DeSantis can talk all his bullshit about how we brought nothing to the table and they had to teach us skills, but those who study know the REAL F*CKIN' truth (and so does he, quiet as it's kept).
After my first trip to West Africa in 2010, I stopped eating chocolate after seeing this CNN video one day while laying around in the hotel, waiting for my friend Gerald to come and get me: https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2015/05/26/chocolate-child-slaves-ivory-coast-spc-cfp.cnn
So you see -- they KNOW exactly what the f*ck they're doing.
The young woman who braids my hair here in TX is from Ivory Coast. She's educated me on so much of this shit going on that I had to make a decision -- and I did. After sharing that video and her info with my sons, they made the same decision -- No chocolate Easter eggs or bunnies going on around here! I get that's how my Ivorian brothers and sisters make money to live, but what I want is that THEY OWN & CONTROL the fruits of their labor -- not Nestlรฉ or whomever else continues to profit immensely from them..