Fam, if you didn’t know, now you know for sure— they hate our Black asses
tRump’s on a bender, not only for us, but — for ANYBODY who ain’t White Anglo-Saxon-Protestant.
These Mofos REALLY believed America was founded as a Christian, WHITE Anglo-Saxon-Protestant nation (WASP)! DEI is the new Nigger, Spic, Guinea-Dago Wop, Mick (yeah, all y’all included too, just in case you didn’t know). However, those “dolla, dolla bills y’all” Mofos are exempted, because — well you know why.
THIS is the person elected by Americans of so many stripes — it’s f*ckin’ amazing. Now y’all, along with the rest of our asses, get what you paid for — and we’re owed some damned change.
Ronald McDonald’s been given the keys to the kingdom while attention-seeking, HamBurglar, Elon Musk’s sittin’ there sayin’, “What about me, me. me?!!”
Can’t count on the impotent Democrats, Fam — they’re done. Hopefully this shit will usher in something new. Maybe Jill and the Greens??