“First, let me give my parents some credit…”
Do!!! They must’ve done something right!
I wholeheartedly agree, “The Hate U Give” is awesome! I just re-watched it in a hotel room during a very, long cross-country drive from TX to upstate NY. It, yet again, hit me like the punch in the gut it was on my first viewing. And speaking of other suggestions, on that road trip, I listened to a great interview on NPR with the writer, Angie Thomas talking about her new book, “On the Come Up” which I’m ordering now (before the movie, which I’m sure will follow, comes out!). Might want to check that one out as well!
Didn’t see, “offering an olive branch” as patronizing. I saw it as part of your overall message to white folk, which is sorely needed if there’s any chance of fixing this shit because I’m sure as hayell tired of being the teach-white-folk-about-anti-Black racism mule! And, dammit, like you, I think some positive growth is in order — hell I’m old now, with more years behind me than ahead of me and I’m tired of waiting!
“…but I’d like to think when my family and friends read it, with my name on it, they are more likely to listen (maybe I’m just being hopeful).”
Stay hopeful and keep writing, young man! That’s pretty much all we have at this point. And as for the trolls, the more you write your truth, the more they will show up. Ignore them or engage them, up to you — just hold onto who you are!