First of all, Dear-heart -- THANK YOU SO MUCH for following me, reading and commenting, Son (I'm sure I'm at least your Mama's age, so I can call you that!😆)!
While, like you, I've certainly felt, and STILL FEEL, your frustrations, can I ask you to just consider how you addressed one of our elders in your statement above? I'm an old MoFo who "BECAME" during James Brown's, "Say I t Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud," in the Deep South (Charleston, SC), so I GET how you feel about us not recognizing what the Demoncrats have NOT done for us. But we've GOT to understand WHY they are who they are and how they got that way. That's the deeper story, Darlin'.
Instead of seeing her as a "bootlick" (and there are plenty of them), maybe answer her, with what YOUR SOLUTIONS are from your point of view. Never know, might open up a conversation you never imagined (which is what we need) -- might not. Only way to know is to try. Then, if she doesn't -- keep it movin' cuz you can't convince some folk of shit they don't WANT to see.
Again, I 'preciate ya MADLY, Son...🫶🏾