Deb C.🇵🇸💚
2 min readSep 28, 2022


First of all, gave you a clap for trying. Second , but most importantly -- you, Sir, do not know me. The fact that you feel you can come here and insult me speaks volumes about who you are however. As far as your -- "You're an embarassment to DLIFLC. And the Navy" -- ridiculousness, that's not what either my Russian instructors, nor DLI, where I earned the Maxwell D. Taylor Award, nor my CO nor XO thought so, so please save it.

The fact that you l Iive in Ukraine, doesn't erase the fact that Donetsk, Lugansk, and Crimea want to be a part of Russia, particularly after 8 years of U.S. -approved slaughter by those "founded by a Jew," allegedly non-existent, Neo-Nazis you so lovingly defend (that speaks volumes about who you are as well). Like some others, you obviously didn't bother to follow ANY of the links provided, especially the first-hand accounts of Ritter, and Parker along with Deborah's. And no, "Not my call" is hardly " a dodge" -- because it isn't my call, neither is it the West's because that whole quest for world hegemony by the U.S., those PNAC ass-hats and people like you will only continue to bring death and dying to a whole lot of innocent people all over the world and certainly won't bring peace any-damned-where. But I can tell from the way you tried to come for me, that kind of fuckery sits well with you.

As for the bio-labs -- Nuland, herself admitted their existence before Congress! Try to keep up, mkay? Again, you know absolutely nothing about me because I'm definitely not a member of the GOP nor a Putin apologist. That's just more of your war-mongering bullshit, thrown out when you have nothing of substance to say. Silly me for expecting diplomacy to be a tool to to try and ensure peace on Earth, rather than the mutual destruction of the planet. But then again, it's no secret that the West in general, and the U.S. in particular are known for not keeping their word about shit (read: lying), especially when the pillaging of other people's resources are concerned.

Here's a thought, if you find my account of what I see and understand so offensive -- don't read it, nobody's forcing you to do so.



Deb C.🇵🇸💚
Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Written by Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Former Navy Russian linguist, Realtor, Claims Adjuster, OpEd columnist/Features writer at a small, S. Florida newspaper. Since 2007, blogged at “Let’s Be Clear”

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