Gave up on their asses a long, damned time ago! As I read about Jimmy Carter's wife's death today (I told the husband, she went home to be with him cuz she knew), I thought about how when I voted for president for the very first time -- it was for him, because he seemed way more decent than other politicians (even the Kennedys). Yeah, I'm sure he got sucked into a whole lotta shit (if I dig, I'd probably find plenty, but he at least SEEMED to give two shits about the people in this country who looked like me -- then and even after his one term.
These Dems of today though? Fuck 'em. They're no better than the Rethuglicans. They'e not fighting for issues the people want and need. As you say, ALL they're doing is bitching and complaining with absolutely nothing to show for it, in addition to trying to scare folk about tRump. {SMDH} IDIOTS ALL!
The Progressives, are the closest I come to seeing any light -- Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar, in particular. But they're not enough. Bernie Sanders disappoints royally, particularly after he folded and supported Killary in the end, instead of fighting their shenanigans (not that it would have materially mattered -- that Democrat train would still have trampled his ass. But damn!! "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
This whole voting thing is manipulated bullshit and I'm so damned tired of it all. We're gonna get what we're gonna get -- no matter what it seems. Sad as hell...