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Genocide Joe’s a willing accomplice to genocide — cuz that’s all he knows
I wish I could say I can’t believe how we, Americans, got here, but I can’t lie — the method to the madness has ALWAYS been in full view for anyone paying attention.
As the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy (WSCP) continues their pillaging, raping, regime-changing massacres — they keep tellin’ on themselves, as Mr. Baldwin notes. Genocide Joe in Brownsville and tRump in Eagle Pass, both make me want to throw up in my mouth. Seems the residents of both those border cities feel the same: Texas, fed locked in tense border standoff in Eagle Pass.
The absolute hilarity of Abott’s take-over of Shelby Park is gut-busting given the park’s history. You just CAN’T make this shit up, Family! This WHITE MAN, running from the Union Army because they DIDN’T want slavery, decided to JUMP into the Rio Grande from what is now Shelby Park, and crossed into Mexico TO GET AWAY from the U.S. government! This is Governor, “It could’ve been worse” Greg Abbot’s, number one, campaign plank? Mothafu*cka. Please!
If you don’t see white supremacy for what it really is — that’s on you…