Have at it, I'll surely keep an eye out for it! And I wholeheartedly agree that the current generation's not buying this bait and switch going on in America today where Zionists have the ability to conveniently claim race/versus religion in accusing folk of anti-semitism Γ la Mr. Greenblatt. I'm again reminded of Mr. James Baldwin's eloquent breakdown of how folk became white in America: https://bannekerinstitute.fas.harvard.edu/files/bannekerinstitute/files/on_being_white.and_other_lies_baldwin_0.pdf
This portion explains why and how Whoopi Goldberg got got when she said the Holocaust wasn't about racism:
"For the Jews came here from countries where they were not white, and they came here, in part, becausetheywerenot white; and incontestably in the eyes of the Black American (and not only in those eyes) American Jews have opted to become white, and this is how they operate."
When I lived in S. Florida and wrote for the local paper, I used to hold monthly dialogues on race relations. I remember going to an FIU luncheon with one of the regular participants back in 2003, trying to recruit the university's Director of African New World Studies to be a panelist for our Amistad Dialogue. During the luncheon, I met the District Coordinator for the Miami-Dade Public Schools Division of Social Sciences who was Black. He asked me why my county was ignoring the state mandate to teach African American history in-depth in its public schools. Totally unprepared for the question, when I went back home, I looked up the statute and was amazed at the distinct detail it went into about the Holocaust that happened in Germany and the dearth of instruction for African American history in this country -- just as you write about here. That "less than important" feeling was a real kick in the chest for me, so wrote a column about it that drew some ire, but a ton of dialogue at our next session!
Good luck on your expatriation attempt -- I'm jealous as hell!
"On that note, why are all these white people going to Mexico?! We're going there to get away from them, LOL..."
I totally get it!