Hey Bumpy! I was telling William about following a knucklehead from "Chocolate City" back home, who I thought was the love of my life -- til I got there. Lived with his family in S.E. for a minute but his Mama didn't appreciate my deep melanin (plus I finally realized he wasn't shit) so I got the hell out of there, moving into the dorm at Howard with two of my Talladega sorors from home who'd gone on to grad school!
Folks thought I was a student, but I was going to work everyday at the Washington Journalism Center which was then, in the old AAUW building on Virginia Ave. working for this guy: https://jacklimpert.com/2015/07/julius-duscha-soft-spoken-tough-one-first-media-critics/ -- who opened up the world of politics and planted the seed of Journalism into my head that would send me back to grad school at Georgetown to work on my MA in Journalism in 2006.
In 2007, I got to introduce Mr. Duscha to my now-husband (he knew the knucklehead too from his showing up at the job, where Mr. Duscha had to make him leave several times. I know, I know😩😩 -- when you know better, you do better, and I did!). He invited us to a David Gergen lecture at the National Press Club that week. I learned a lot from that man!