Hey Harold! Not sure why I missed your comment (been feeling a little shitty lately, maybe I just overlooked it as I have with some others -- I apologize!).
Above you said, "Irish people had it rough at the start but the colour of their skin eventually allowed them into the club. "
My society-identified white husband (who only wants to be identified as Italian-American) and I had this conversation early on our marriage. I simply referred him to Mr. James Baldwin's, "On Being White and Other Lies" to explain to him why that is. Here's the link for your perusal: https://ourcommonground.com/2016/11/14/on-being-white-and-other-lies-james-baldwin-essence-magazine-1984/
You're right, "People of Colour enjoy no such advantage." And again I agree with your # 3. A little bit of both.