I agree with a lot of what he's saying as well! I like Mr. Murray's pieces because the UK government really put him through the wringer, particularly when he was the British Ambassador to Uzbekistan. Having been in various government positions prior to that, he's had an inside look at exactly how these people operate and offers an exceedingly fresh perspective on what the presstitute mainstream media spews.
Yes, Eisenhower DID warn us about the MIC, but nobody listened. If they had, we'd have not been involved in so many of these forever wars (all of which we lost in so many ways). And like you, I was against our getting involved in Ukraine because I, too, am anti-war, mainly because I was in the military myself (that's a long story I'll tell one day), but also because the why of our involvement has everything to do with this country's desire for "full spectrum dominance"/world hegemony. Anybody who thinks the West actually cares about Ukrainians, must not have been listening to Lloyd Austin or Biden, or any of the Congress critters in support of this shit.
I'm not necessarily pro-Putin, but I am pro any true leader who looks to protect the people who've asked for his help. And the people in the Donbass did ask (even though the West would have us believe those referendums in Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea were faked), because Zelensky and his neo-Nazi, Azov folk from Western Ukraine had been attacking and killing them since 2014 at the urging of folk like the U.S. Under Secretary of State, Victoria (f*ck the EU) Nuland! And while the EU's knee-deep in this shit, but they better be paying attention to what our government's purposes really are!
It seems there are only a few of us that really realize we cannot afford a nuclear conflict. I keep asking myself, "Did they not see what happened to the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at our hands??!! It just boggles the mind.