Deb C.🇵🇸💚
2 min readSep 24, 2024


I appreciate your respect for my voice, young man. Feel free to click past anything I post with mostly videos because they’re not posted JUST for you.

At damned-near 70 years old, my eyesight's NOT what it used to be – even with glasses! When I’m on the computer, particularly late at night, I often listen to and post videos which CLEARLY represent my point of view because it’s easier than reading and/or writing about it (you TOO, will one day be old, Darlin’!). I doubt I’m alone in that regard.

Though you see these videos as ranting, make no mistake, they DO represent what I think and feel. Quite frankly, that we’re not ALL ranting about this AIPAC-funded “swap,” continuing to support, arm and finance this televised, genocidal, ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and their culture, right in front of our eyes – blows me the hell away.

I most resent the fact the Changeling and Kamala have no qualms about donning my ADOS Blackness like a costume, only when it serves them (Jeremiah Wright/”ask a Union memba!” anyone?). I was living in Charleston when his ass stood in that sanctuary, trying to sound like MLK & singing "Amazing Grace" I was undone. But, because I started following him from the Senator from Illinois -- there's much to be seen and understood:

IMHO, he’s an opportunistic, selfish, narcissistic megalomaniac. He’s a liar and a climber who’s reached his pinnacle on our backs (he’d call it pragmatic: and MOST of us said, “Sure, go ahead and piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining -- we’ll just rejoice in the sprinkles!” {SMDH}

Remember Grove Parc:

(From YouTube)

That they’re BOTH members in good-standing of the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy tag team (check out bell hooks). is enough for me. However, let’s not forget how he convinced Dems to vote for the bank bail-outs, while normal folk, Black folk particularly, lost their homes; or how Big Pharma and insurance companies essentially wrote the Obamacare bill (check it out) which benefitted them more than regular folk (remember their adamant rejection of a “Public Option?” Or how the Demoncrats tried to lie that Lilly Ledbetter had any-dammed-thing to do with women’s rights when it actually didn’t. And, Oh! Let’s not forget him talking down to the young brothers at Morehouse. I could go on, but the comments too long already. Maybe I’ll do a second part on Kamala’s LA record.



Deb C.🇵🇸💚
Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Written by Deb C.🇵🇸💚

Former Navy Russian linguist, Realtor, Claims Adjuster, OpEd columnist/Features writer at a small, S. Florida newspaper. Since 2007, blogged at “Let’s Be Clear”

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