I could've highlighted this whole thing, Darlin' (damn near did)! Excellent, excellent piece. My sons and I were just talking about the same thing. The only people making out like a bandit in this representation racket are the businesses/corporations using it to continue to drain us dry -- and we gladly oblige cuz they're either playing our music and/or arbitrarily slapping Black folk on the screen in their ads. And tell me why they believe putting already rich mofos in commercials will cause me to buy their shit??? And those already rich mofos have no problem raking in the cash, instead of saying, "Hey! There are a lot of struggling, young Black actors who could use those spots to make some good cash and/or catapult them into whatever area of entertainment they may want to pursue. Give them that spot." Do you think I give a shit if Charles Barkley says, "Eat Subway??!!" {SMDH}
Lakitha, you are absolutely right! "Sister Outsider," Audre Lorde knew wy back when what was already happening! Sadly, not many of us heeded her warning.