I had to, just as I had to include that Wiki link so "if they choose to," they can read all about their wonderful, "appreciation" for our culture. Puleeze!!
Checking their real culture was the "price of the ticket" they CHOSE to pay for their white, "American" culture. Mr. James Baldwin explains this very well in his 1984 essay, "On Being White...And Other Lies" :
"The crisis of leadership in the white community is remarkable - and terrifying - because there is, in fact, no white community.
This may seem an enormous statement - and it is. I’m willing to be challenged. I’m also willing to attempt to spell it out.
My frame of reference is, of course, America, or that portion of the North American continent that calls itself America. And this means I am speaking essentially, of the European vision of the world - or more precisely, perhaps the European vision of the universe. It is a vision as remarkable for what it pretends to include as for what it remorselessly diminishes, demolishes or leaves totally out of account.
There is, for example - at least, in principle - an Irish community: here, there, anywhere, or more precisely, Belfast, Dublin and Boston. There is German community: Rome, Naples the Bank of the Holy Ghost, and Mulberry Street. And there is Jewish community, stretching from Jerusalem to California to New York. There are English communities. There are French communities. There are Swiss consortiums. There are Poles: In Warsaw (where they would like us to be friends) and in Chicago (where because they are white we are enemies). There are, for that matter Indian restaurants and Turkish baths. There is the underworld - the poor (to say nothing of those who intend to become rich) are always with us - but this does not describe a community. It bears terrifying witness to what happened to everyone who got here, and paid the price of the ticket. The price was to become “white.” No one was white before he/she came to America. It took generations, and a vast amount of coercion before this became a white country."
https://bannekerinstitute.fas.harvard.edu/files/bannekerinstitute/files/on_being_white.and_other_lies_baldwin_0.pdf (Pls do read the entire essay, Fam)
What chaps my ass, is they "choose" to shed that bullshit NOW -- and pull on my lived experiences like a new skin, when we were never then, up until now even (as your examples show), EVER afforded the damned opportunity to do so! That writer can miss me with that bullshit.