I hear you, Brother -- but exactly where would that be? I know, for a fact, there are plenty of folks on The Continent, who want no parts of our white, brain-washed asses (mainly because we don't, nor want to really learn, anything about The Continent). And yet, there are plenty of them, who yearn to be in our shoes here, because they don't really know anything about our existence on THIS continent.
I'm not in that 'white Jesus cult, trust me -- but I've had more than enough so-called, blood family who've f*cked me over. And as far as I'm concerned, I want no parts for their asses either.
While I agree we, as a people, are "thoroughly furnished and fully-equipped" to survive ANY-DAMNED-thing, (we've already proven that fact, because we're STILL HERE!) -- it is our minds that have to FIRST be changed to accept that fact before we sally forth.
Just my two cents...