I hope you do watch it and listen to exactly what he had to say versus what Americans are being force-fed on a daily basis. He confirmed a lot of what i already knew about Minsk, about Maidan in 2014, and why he went into Donetsk and Lugansk as a result of what Ukraine was doing to that majority, Russian-speaking population, who, by referendum -- chose to be a part of Russia. You should check out some posts from my friend Deborah Armstrong who lived and worked in Russia for a time (she's taken a break from Medium for awhile as she got some other opportunity): https://medium.com/@deborahlarmstrong
and also from 15 year-old, Faina Savenkova from Lugansk: https://medium.com/@zmey.osvald who tells her own story from the war zone.
I'm third of all of the politicks from both parties. I became an Independent when they selected Obama and I haven't looked back since. They keep trying to scare the hell out of you with tRrump, putting up the old guy as the BEST deterrent -- even though he can't remember shit from day-to-day! Funny how he was found too old for a trial on those Top Secret documents, but fit to run the damned country. {SMDH}