I just read it -- and yeah, you were spot on. As I said earlier, I know nothing about autism and thanks for that heads-up. Her admission in her reply to you though, tells me it's something I need to learn a whole lot more about (cuz she dropped some heavy shit in that comment!).
As a member of ΞΣΠmyself, I tend to agree with you on this:
"Those who ascribe such meaning and value to belonging to a sorority merit my instant disdain. "
When I pledged way back in the Stone Age (1976), I DID ascribe so much meaning and value to belonging to the sorority -- but for all the wrong reasons (my dark chocolate self was hardly the most secure high school/ young, college girl. That self-acceptance didn't come until much later on down the road and if I'm honest, I have to admit being a part of that group of women played a big role in that. But when it did come, it was like somebody had lifted the scales off my eyes and I saw a lot of them for their "real" selves and let me tell you, that wasn't always such a beautiful, sisterly sight (one of the reasons I'm not active today)!