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I just witnessed the worst piece of political theatre I’ve ever seen in my damned life!
And that’s after Obama!! Speaks volumes of the bullshittery. No?
Maybe I’m just an old-head but, Chi-i-i-le, I’m sitting here listening to this, “We-didn’t-want-your-ass-for-15-ballots-Kevin McCarthy” — giving his damned acceptance speech as Speaker of the House of Representatives. I’m just shakin’ my damned head, Fam.
Some folk have no shame. Does he not realize that we ALL watched (well, us old, retired folk with nothing else to do, at least) — this dog-n-pony show going on? What was it for? To get to this? To get to you??!!
What a f*ckin’ performance. From Hakeem Jeffries’ wanna-come-off-like- Obama, self-serving nod to Pelosi (under the guise of his, “Here I am for 2028, folks!), to Kevin’s, George Washington crossing the Delaware, Abe Lincoln diatribe and then rounding it up with the family — nothin’ but performance.
We’re pawns, Fam — pawns in both their performative games of power. All that rote, patriotic bullshit is just that — bullshit. Unless and until we use what little power we have left to get rid of these performers, there’ll be more little Kevins, or Obamas, whichever comes first (and it’ll be either/or — since there’s only TWO parties).