I see Medium's algorithm boosted your, absolutely wonderful, 2022 post on old Tim -- as soon as he put in his presidential bid today! (I expect nothing less of the "business.")
Anyway, I'm not surprised he didn't support Judge Jackson, just like I'm not surprised TWO BLACK MEN (Scott & Booker) -- couldn't agree and get the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 over then damned hump: https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2021/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-george-floyd-justice-in-policing-act/
I'm a Gullah girl, born and raised in Charleston, SC -- 66 seasons ago. My brother, a year younger than me, went to college with old Tim at what used to just be, "Baptist College," now known as "Charleston Southern" (gentrification does leaves its footprint everywhere, ya know?). He's impressed by that, and Tim -- I am not.
Tim's like Clarence (a Geechie guy from Pinpoint, GA), a sell-out, knowing where his bread is buttered to allow him to outrun the memory of that slop-jar, that dirt road, that not having -- that whatever we all who grew up there knew. Tim's a f*ckin' disgrace...😩