I TOTALLY agree with your( a), (b) and (c)!! They've shown their WHOLE ass to the world when it comes to their "Hierarchy of Human Life," yet they want you to BELIEVE that's not what's happening.
Like I asked somewhere before, "Who the hell do you want me to believe you, or my lying eyes??!!" -- because MY damned lying eyes see Americans suffering right here, for reasons too numerous to list, who could use those billions; they see Black and Latino folks right here, as well as those coming here for a better life (because of shit the U.S. has, and is doing where they were), whose lives are treated wa-a-ay less than ; and they see your Chosen People, who've not only had their foot on the necks of a people, in their own homeland for more than 70 years -- first turning it into an open-air, makeshift prison and now,into piles of bloody, body-strewn rubble --who DEFINITELY had then, and still do now, have a right to defend themselves! I'm so sick of all this gaslighting bullshit! Consider yourself TRULY blessed that you don't, Hermana!