I wouldn't be surprised. Just like our conversation about lies the presstitute media will tell for this f*cked up government, I'm convinced THIS particular vaccine (pushed hard by not-a-doctor, population-control- believing in, Bill Gates and NOT put through any lengthy trials as is normally the case) is one of them. Notice how many articles against it are censored or removed from social media as well. I didn't take it, chose to mask up and socially-distance instead. I had a stroke in 2012 as a result of a blood clot that travelled up and through a hole in my heart (a PFO it's called) that I wasn't even aware I had (despite all that great, medical care I got for years in the military medical facilities on active-duty and after)! All the research I found said that vaccine caused blood clots (among other things), I decided I didn't want to take the risk since the hole is still there. Here's a link to a site I follow that gives information the mainstream won't talk about: https://www.globalresearch.ca/strokes-skyrocketing-young-people-pfizer-moderna-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-showed-safety-signals-strokes-early-november-2021-but-these-ignored/5815613
Check out the article and then dig around on the site to see if there's info there you can use. I hate that you're sick, Darlin' -- I hope you can get to the bottom of it all.❤️