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Will the presstitute media PLEASE stop excusing Joe’s old ass??!!
It’s gettin’ on my last damned nerve…
I could give two shits whether Old Joe’s folk are “ CO-OPER-ATING” — MoFo shouldn’t have had that shit in the first, damned place!!! Why are you folk excusing his ass???
Methinks I definitely agree with Maxine here:
When I was a Russian linguist in the Navy, holding a TSSCI clearance, I would’ve been court-martialed for this shit! And Joe gets a damned pass as they “drip, drip, drip,” their discoveries — because they’re CO-OPER-ATING!?? Really??!! Y’all need to stop lying to yourselves about so-called democracy, nation of laws, and any other bullshit funneled through their stenographers. What a farce, this country is.
Look. I’m an old Mofo myself, though not as old as Joe. Why do we have a damned 80 year-old president who FINALLY got in there, after YE-E-A-R-S in Congress and three times running for fuck*n president??? The world has changed, people!!!