I've heard "each one teach one" all my life! The elders in the family always reminded those of us who'd been able to get a better education than they had that it was our obligation to share whatever knowledge we had. That's why I'm sure the young ones will be heard above the din because they are sharing the knowledge , not only among themselves but with older folks who're willing to listen and learn!
I also agree with you about the need for white people to tell the damned truth about their past -- especially to their children! But, as your family member said, "We don't go there." To me, they don't go there because they don't have to. They're preparing their kids to enter, as bell hooks termed it, "The White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy" in which they live, that doesn't really include anybody else who's not white (unless of course, those folks, who believe being white-adjacent makes them a part of it).
Look, you can't MAKE those who don't want to hear, listen. But trust me, YOU ARE NEITHER SILENT, NOR GUILTY AS THEY ARE OF RACISM!! Why not? Because you're writing about it, informing people of what you DO know, as well as trying to learn more! Believe me, "each one, teach one" applies to you too!
You're welcome Darlin'! I so appreciate our conversations!!