Loved this, Astra -- that picture of red rice looks just like mine (except I put some smoked sausage in it too)!! I'm a Gullah girl from South Carolina and I can attest to the similarities to West African pidgin. I've been to The Gambia several times and felt right at home, not only with the language similarities, but RICE, RICE, RICE!!; boiled peanuts (my grandmother used to grow peanuts on her farm); "that beat," along with the harmonies (danced the night away in a club in Banjul!!); and of course that BEAUTIFUL, braided pic was the shit (my hair-braider here in TX is from the Ivory Coast, and she hooks a Sister up)!!
As much as some folk in the Diaspora want to act like we're completely different for whatever reasons, I know from my travels that's bullshit -- and I'm glad it is!!
Thanks for this beautiful post, Daughter!! Looking forward to more!