M. THOP, I noticed Hadn't seen any of his stuff lately too! And come on now, you know why. He made them uncomfortable too!! And like I just told cyberwyrd:
"...I agree that those banned posts should STILL be available. How do they have the right to just totally erase them??!! That means all of her work (and writing IS work) is just gone??!!"
Not great is right!! And seeing as we're PAYING THEM for the ability to post here with our membership fees, you'd think we're owed some kind of explanation! It's just all bullshit. And it's shit like this that shows why this country will NEVER not be racist. Funny how over my 66 years of living, nobody cared what the hell was being said about or done to Black folk. Hell, it's not even been that long that Hate Crime laws were passed -- and for the most part, folk STILL complain that they even exist, especially for Black folks!