My heart goes out to both you and Levi, Sis. In school, he is, who both my sons were for a while -- until I made a damned nuisance of myself (for the teachers), showing up, sometimes announced, sometimes unannounced so I could see for myself what the hayell was going on. They were both smart, witty and liked their friends more than their teachers and I just had to find out for myself what the hell was going on. And like you, I found out plenty. Children will misbehave if they're not challenged enough and neither of them were. I had to fight the school AND the district to keep them from trying to put my oldest in Special Ed., with all their IEP machinations :(
We got our own counselor to evaluate him (whose determination was that he needed to be challenged more -- he was bored as a result, had become the disruptive class clown) and a lawyer to let them know we weren't havin' any of their branding him special needs bullshit. I brought up all the visits I'd made and what I saw during class and told them the teachers need to do their damned jobs! Same thing happened for the younger one, but no IEP suggestion. Once the teacher challenged him more and gave him some other responsibilities in class -- boyfriend was an A student!!
What's so funny now is, the oldest is now himself an elementary school teacher for the at-risk kids in his school, as well as a model and an actor! The younger one, after having been in the Army with a mortuary affairs M.O.S. -- came back, blew the damned roof off one of the most esteemed mortuary programs here, graduating at the top of his class and is called back to be a guest speaker for new students, teaching them techniques and pretty much runs a mortuary service
(what can I say -- he'll never be out of work and I'll be cremated for free!🤣🤣🤣). He also leased a warehouse downtown as a side hustle, leasing it out for parties, rap performances and whatever else folk want.
Fight for your grandbaby, Sis -- fight for him with all your might. And most importantly -- document, document, document! I know this wasn't what you'd planned for your life right now, but trust me -- YOU are what he needs until his Dad steps up. Hang in there.❤️❤️❤️❤️