My mother and grandmother always used to say this to me -- to which I vehemently disagreed. Just because they're my "blood," doesn't mean they're "family," was always my reply. Every place I've ever lived, I've CHOSEN people who've loved, honored and respected who I am -- and there've been many (in real life and online).
I say all that to say, "You, my Brother are not alone when it comes to me!!!" We've had great conversations here and you've taught me shit I never would've ever known. Thank you so much for that (And know I ain't mad at you for having a drink or three, cuz i'm right there with you!๐)!!!
Take care of yourself, Darlin' and try to have as Merry a Xmas as you can.โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ