No she does not, ernest!!! I knew a lot of this but, "Lawd ha' mercy!" as my grandmother used to say -- there was WAY way more than I imagined!!
I respect daughter, Laura IMMENSELY, but this shit right here is ALL beyond the pale!! I mean, can you imagine what Mellody COULD have done with all that knowledge and experience FOR CHOSSA??? She gets a capital "F" from me -- not that she'd give a shit but, I need it noted somewhere that this woman is obviously a wanton capitalist, in cahoots with white capitalists, not giving two shits about CHOSSA at all, only in pursuit of her own individual success.
Look, I married a working class, society-identified, white guy (who yells and screams he's Italian-American, NOT WHITE, a conversation about white privilege which I've detailed in many a post) who feels HE married up, as opposed to all my old, ex-friends with whom I grew up saying I married up. The beautiful benefit of our relationship is that we 1) love the hayell out of each other, 2) understand the concept of enough, 3) learned to live within our means and 4) realize we must do all we can to help other folk, whatever that means (volunteering in soup kitchens, with organizations that help those less fortunate than ourselves in any way we can, showing up for protests/issues about which we believe, etc.). If he, one day turned up rich like George, I doubt -- other than redoubling our currents efforts -- e, or our beliefs would change because that's who we are.
I got nothin' for Mellody, nothin'...