Nobody wants to face how America, in their absolute thirst for hegemony and "Full Spectrum Dominance," CAUSED the situations from which these migrants have to flee -- and yet, cruelty is ALWAYS the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy's response to those fleeing.
Thank you SO DAMNED MUCH, ALI -- for seeing those HUMAN BEINGS!! Asylum is a human right (AND a legal one), based on Section 1158 of the Immigration and Nationality Act which provides a right to apply for asylum, regardless of an individual’s manner of entry. But Abbott and DeSantis aren't human, and neither are their followers, nor our long-ago, broken immigration system which refuses to allocate the necessary resources to process these people legally. {SMDH}
The whole, "tired, poor, huddled masses" ONLY apply to those who are white, or became white upon landing on these shores --trust me, they're not foolin' any-damned-body. KEEP AMERICA WHITE is their goal, no matter what (despite the fact that it was Indigenous people who welcomed them, and taught them to survive).