Not just white Jesus-believing Christians, Grandson. Unfortunately plenty of us too. I stopped believing in white Jesus a long time ago however, I DID grow up a Black Baptist-turned-Catholic (we went to a segregated Catholic school cuz my Mama thought it was the best thing for us to succeed) in SC.
However, while in the Navy, we transferred to Panama in 1991 and I got a whole new view. We lived on the Atlantic side and often went to the Pacific side for weekends (it was cheap, we stayed on the base there and I wanted my sons to see and learn a much as they could while we lived there). One October, we went to Portobelo and witnessed something I'd never, ever seen in my life -- "The Festival del Cristo Negro," Portobelo, Panama:
It was the most wondrous thing I'd seen in my pre-not believing-in-white-Jesus life -- because he was Black, just like me!
Oh, and let me just add -- that's a damned handsome picture, Grandson!